Aim of the EnFeM Project

The main end purpose of the Project is to change the negative collective image of “migrant women”. Also to offer a concrete opportunity of access to educational facilities, local social and cultural life while minimizing the isolation of migrant women at the local level. Develop innovative educational tools as well as concrete initiatives facilitating the integration of migrant women in the host society, more particularly in the creative, cultural and educational sectors.

Give local communities physical instruments in order to be better involved on the spot at the local level, to guarantee a fuller integration of migrant women. foster their participation in community life/citizenship and restrict their isolation.

Change the negative and racist attitudes against Muslims from certain segments of civil society. The Project aims at reducing the isolation and separation of migrant women: through the implementation of joint creative workshops between women belonging to different cultures; through awareness-raising activities in educational establishments and civil society as well as in the medias.

The objective is to make migrant women active members of our society, thus increasing their chance of successful insertion in urban local districts; strengthen the citizen participation of migrant women in their host communities.