El legado andalusí

El legado andalusí

We are a Public Spanish Foundation belonging to the Regional Ministry of Culture of the Government of Andalusia (Spain).

We have the support of the UNESCO and the Council of Europe (through its European Institute of Cultural Itineraries), among other public and private institutions national and internationally.

Our goals

We work mainly on tourism, culture and social integration spreading through different areas the cultural heritage of Andalusia.

How do we do it?

The Routes of El legado andalusí are traditional and historical ways walked by former travelers that strengthen the offer of inland tourism of the region of Andalusia. In this sense, we have the following cultural and tourist routes commercialized: the Route of the Caliphate (Cordova-Granada), the Route of Washington Irving (Seville-Granada), the Route of the Nasrids (Navas de Tolosa-Jaén-Granada) and the Route of the Almoravids and Almohads (Tarifa-Cádiz-Granada).

We have got as a priority goal to turn these routes into engines of development of the areas that are included through the support to the creation of infrastructures in the services sector which also implies the creation of jobs and social integration.

El legado andalusí was declared ‘European Cultural Route’ in the year 1997 being together with the Way of S. Jacques the only Route with this brand in Spain.

We have taken part (as leader or partner) in 17 European projects related to social integration, culture, crafts and tourism.

We are permanently diversifying our activities with the purpose of becoming a foundation closer and useful to the society. To do this, one of the main tools that we have are the European funds that allow us open new lines of action. In this concern, we work in projects related to culture, tourism and social integration as generator elements of employment.

Because for us the social integration and the search of employment of different groups like immigrants, disabled people, or people in risk of social exclusion is a priority goal.

That is why, through the project management we seek to generate conscience and debate, in order to promote the knowledge and to exchange good practices on universal accessibility and social and labor integration. We include our strategy in the search of resources to eliminate the persons’ discrimination with disability for the lack of universal accessibility.

In short, on social integration we have been involved as partners in 4 projects related to the feminine employment (Euroemployment, European Social Fund); social integration across the photography (Say cheese, GRUNDTVIG – Lifelong Learning Programme); and Sign Guides (ERASMUS KA2, guides’ formation of tourism in Sign Language.


Julia Saiz-Pardo
E-mail: jsp@legadoandalusi.es
Telephone: +34 958 22 59 95
Website: www.legadoandalusi.es